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Croatia Private Yacht Adventure
Have you been wondering what our Croatia Private Yacht Adventure is like? Lisa tells the story of her trip and favorite experiences while exploring this beautiful country.
Getting on trails with dogs
I would call it a type of magic – hiking with your best friend, exploring new trails, and experiencing life together. One of my favorite ways to get outside and adventure is with my golden retriever, Atlantic. We love to go camping, running, and swimming together, but our favorite way to spend time outside is hiking. The first time I was able to get on trail with her, it was one of the most joyous moments. It felt so freeing. That feeling is addicting – and I know that I am not the only one who feels this way! Within the Women Who Explore community, there are many women who also love to get outside with their dogs…
Five great solo options for women
Traveling is fun and a good break from our normal life and all its little routines. These days, solo traveling is becoming a more popular option thanks to the freedom it gives you to do what you want when you want to. As we previously shared in our post about the “Benefits of Solo Travel,” going on trips alone has many benefits, including lowered costs and a higher chance of meeting new people…