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A Numerical Journey Through Paria Canyon
Melissa Wright Melissa Wright

A Numerical Journey Through Paria Canyon

What happens when you need to occupy your time on a backpacking trip? You start counting all the things! Our trip host for our last Paria Canyon Trek got help from some of the guests to keep tabs on all the things you might witness while in the world's longest slot canyon!

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Backpacking Paria Canyon & Buckskin Gulch with Women Who Explore
adventure, getaways, backpacking, trek, paria canyon Melissa Wright adventure, getaways, backpacking, trek, paria canyon Melissa Wright

Backpacking Paria Canyon & Buckskin Gulch with Women Who Explore

Story from a guest on our recent Paria Canyon Trek in October 2023:

“On this backpacking trip, it was a joy to watch other wonderful women get a taste for how uplifting, healing, and life-changing such trips can be. How these types of experiences can ignite (or reignite) a passion for seeking joy and connection with each other, and the world around us.

I was able to witness many of them shift their physical, emotional, and/or spiritual baselines for what was desired in their lives…gaining clarity on what they needed more of, and what they wanted less of.”

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